How would you sell me a car?

I’m not like anyone else. I’m different in many ways.
Hint:  It’s about understanding and the relationship.

(Tap to learn what makes me tick)

I just retired. Hooray!

I fought in Desert Storm. I worked at the United States Postal Service for 26 years. My wife and I raised three daughters. I like building things. We own a timeshare in Florida.

What matters to me most?

I’m single, live downtown, listen to podcasts, concerned about global warming and I’m into fitness big time. I look for cars that are made in America and have high safety ratings.

You'd be surprised

I have a PhD in Physics, just got married, live in the country and love Jimmy Fallon.  I look for versatility and the latest tech in vehicles. I volunteer at the YWCA women’s shelter.

My friends call me Scap

I work in finance, make $80,000/year. Love new technology. I’m a foodie. I go to Starbuck’s every morning. Not brand loyal when it comes to cars. I can talk about football for hours. 
50 Second Tour
People buy from people they like and trust. When you know more, you close more, deliver exceptional customer experiences and increase the life-time value of every customer.

Our mission is to help you close more and close faster.

Hi resolution selling for auto dealerships

Dealer visits have dropped from 5 to 2 in recent years, so if you don’t close today, your prospect is going to a competitor and likely not coming back.  closemore provides income, lifestyle and purchase motivation data at your fingertips.  Go from knowing nothing about your prospect to arming yourself with deep insights and talking points that help you close more and close faster.

Before closemore

How well do you know Dave?

When Dave shows up on your lot, you know virtually nothing about him.

You spent thousands every month on SEO, SEM, PPC, retargeting, print, radio and other forms of marketing.  You’ve trained your sales staff in the latest selling techniques.  Dave may have completed an inquiry form on your website and you may have even engaged in a live web chat or texting.

But you still likely don’t know very much about Dave when he comes in for a test drive, do you?

That can change today.

Understand, connect and close more 

After closemore

Get to know Dave and close

With closemore, you get real-time insights about Dave on your mobile phone, delivered in seconds.  When you have a 360 degree view of how Dave lives, thinks and makes purchase decisions, you can better serve his needs, improve the customer experience and of course, close the deal.  Here’s a brief closemore profile of behaviors associated with people like Dave:

  • Average household income: $154,833
  • Average net worth: $1,359,987
  • He owns his home and the kids are gone
  • Dave has a graduate degree and works in healthcare
  • Dave is a foodie, likes jazz, plays golf and reads Forbes
  • Exterior styling and safety are most important to Dave
  • Dave’s budget is $30,000+
  • He’ll consider both buying and leasing

Know more and close more.

You’re 3 minutes from closing more.  No obligation.  No strings attached.