Free Trial + Pricing

closemore / Free Trial + Pricing

What’s the cost of a lost sale?

According to NADA the average marketing cost per vehicle sold is $640 and growing. Based on your monthly volume and number of users, Closemore costs about a $1 per profile.

Doesn’t it make sense to invest another dollar to understand your buyer better, have better conversations, build rapport and trust? Closemore is an affordable and a strategic investment in getting to know to your buyer so you can close more deals faster.

Final pricing is based on a number of variables including:

  • No. of licenses/users (we offer discounts on 6+ users per dealership)
  • No. of dealerships
  • No. of lookups or profiles generated
  • Up to 20% savings for prepayment

You’re one form away from closing more!

Get your Free Trial: Full not ‘lite’ version. No credit card required. No commitment. No strings attached. Promise.