Pricing Packages

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  • Starter

  • $ 45.99
    per month
    • 24/7 Tech Support
    • 100 GB Storage
    • 1 GB Bandwidth
    • Free Standwatch
  • Business

  • $ 55.99
    per month
    • 24/7 Tech Support
    • 100 GB Storage
    • 1 GB Bandwidth
    • Free Standwatch
  • Premium

  • $ 77.99
    per month
    • 24/7 Tech Support
    • 100 GB Storage
    • 1 GB Bandwidth
    • Free Standwatch
  • Pro Premium

  • $ 99.99
    per month
    • 24/7 Tech Support
    • 100 GB Storage
    • 1 GB Bandwidth
    • Free Standwatch

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